Term 3, Issue 01: Pedagogy | ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ


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Why Study Italian at VCE

During this time of the year, students from Years 7 to 11 have been involved in the Subject Selection process. As part of their discussions, the Year 10 Italian class has been exploring the value of language study at a VCE level.

Below is an Italian speech written by Year 10 Italian student, Melina K, about the opportunities that studying Italian at VCE can provide for students:


Oggi vi parlerò del perché dovreste a scegliere di studiare l’italiano al VCE.

Studiare l’italiano dà agli studenti la capacità di comprendere e utilizzare una lingua parlata in Italia, nella città del Vaticano, e a San Marino.

L’italiano è parlato anche a Svizzera, Malta, Albania, Croazia, Slovenia, e Libia, ed è parlato da comunità di lingua italiana che sono emigrate in paesi come Australia, Argentina, Brasile, Canada, e Stati Uniti.

Imparare l’italiano espone gli studenti a diverse esperienze sociali, economiche, e di viaggio. L’apprendimento di una seconda lingua migliora le capacità analitiche e riflessive e il pensiero critico e creativo. Vi aiuterà anche con l’inglese.

In futuro, avrete anche più opportunità di lavoro perché essere in grado di comunicare e negoziare in un’altra lingua vi fa risaltare e mette in mostra le vostre abilità.

Grazie per avermi ascoltata, e spero che il mio discorso sia stato informativo."

To listen to the Italian speech, click here.

English Translation


Today I will be talking to you about why you should choose to study Italian at VCE.

Studying Italian gives students the ability to understand and use a language spoken in Italy, Vatican City, and San Marino.

Italian is also spoken in Switzerland, Malta, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, and Libya, and is spoken by Italian-speaking communities that have emigrated to countries such as Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.

Learning Italian exposes students to different social, economic, and travel experiences. Learning a second language improves analytical and reflective skills and critical and creative thinking. It will also help you with English.

In the future, you will also have more job opportunities because being able to communicate and negotiate in another language makes you stand out and showcases your skills.

Thank you for listening to me, and I hope my speech was informative."

Tina Di Camillo

Leader of Pedagogy
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