Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.
Term 3 has been a very busy time as students participated in the Pillars Student Leadership program, applied for 2023 Student Leadership positions, wrote speeches, attended interviews and ran various fundraising activities to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
This term has been a busy one for the Science faculty; we have enjoyed our inaugural STEAM Careers Breakfast, celebrated National Science Week, and had students engage in Monash University’s Nova Rover program amongst the normal teaching and learning program, assessments, and practical work.
In Term 3, the Year 9 Visual Communication Design class has learnt how to use a set square and T-square to follow isometric drawing conventions to design a toy for a vision impaired child.
Each year, the Siena Parents’ Association (ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ) hosts an Annual Raffle and you could be just a few clicks away from winning some fantastic prizes!
Congratulations to our recently appointed College Captains, Hannah R and Majella H. From an outstanding list of candidates, Majella and Hannah have been elected to lead the student body in 2023 and we are delighted for them.
Master Plan Update
We were disappointed with the recent VCAT determination regarding our Master Plan. Disappointed but not discouraged. In sharing our hopes and dreams for the ongoing upgrade of our facility, ultimately for student benefit, we are now asked to consider additional alterations. Our hopes and dreams remain intact! Current and future students of Siena, parents and staff, have demonstrated their support for the great educational offering of a Siena education. We will be steadfast in working through the process to ensure that our learning facility equips students with the best in contemporary learning spaces. Further updates will be provided to the community next term.
We recognise the importance of applying and extending the learning within classrooms in a broader context and extend thanks to staff who support these initiatives. Staff also welcomed the opportunity to discuss learning growth with parents and students recently. We encourage all students to reflect on these conversations, and to consider priorities with their learning in Term 4. We wish all students and staff a restful break, and wish all students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study all the very best as they undertake trial exams in the second week of the holidays.
Elizabeth Hanney
Mission Matters
Lake Mungo Immersion
This week, a group of students from Years 9 to 11 went on their first immersion experience since 2019. The group has stayed with Aunty Betty and Uncle Barry on Culpra Milli homeland, listening to their stories and reflections before exploring Balranald and Lake Mungo with Vicki Walker OAM.
Celebrating the Season of Creation: Listen to the Voice of Creation
The Season of Creation is the time of year when over two billion of the world's Christian population are invited to pray and care for creation, running annually from 1 September (Prayer for Creation Day) to 4 October (Feast of St Francis of Assisi). We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made; our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth.
The burning bush is the symbol for the 2022 Season of Creation. Today, the prevalence of unnatural fires is a sign of the devastating effects that climate change has on the most vulnerable areas of our planet. Creation cries out as forests crackle, animals flee and people are forced to migrate due to the fires of injustice.
On the contrary, the fire that called to Moses as he tended the flock on Mount Horeb did not consume or destroy the bush. This holy fire was the flame of the Spirit, affirming that God has heard the cries of the earth. In the Season of Creation, this symbol of God’s Spirit calls us to listen to the voice of creation.
You can find out more about the Season of Creation
Jennifer Levett
Deputy Principal Mission and Identity
Learning and Teaching
Learning Conversations
Learning Conversations took place last week and the online experience has been seamless. Thank you for your participation and for being mindful of the timeslots provided. The feedback we received has been wonderfully positive and we are always grateful to our dedicated teachers for making this event so worthwhile. The online environment continues to provide opportunity to connect with parents and students, and feedback is always welcome. Thank you to our students for being honest and engaging in their reflections.
NAPLAN Results
Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN results have been mailed to parents this week. Please note that we do not retain copies of the ISR at the College. Please see the News item posted earlier this week for further details.
End of Term 3
During the last week of school, we summarised the term's learning with students as assessment across all year levels has been finalised. We congratulate all students and staff on their agility and determination to maintain our high standard of learning. It has been enriching to see experiential learning opportunities. Term 3 concludes on Friday, 16 September.
Unit 3/4 Study Break and Trial Examinations
All Unit 3/4 SACs have now been completed and well done to the students for their resilience and perseverance during this period of time. We strongly encourage students to utilise the first week of study break to recharge with some screen free time and to organise Unit 3/4 notes and summaries, as well as reread novels and texts. This gentle but targeted preparation is a necessary foundation for the Trial Examinations taking place in Week 2 of the the study break.
From Monday, 26 September to Friday, 30 September Unit 3/4 Trial Examinations will be taking place onsite, . The objective is to assist students in the preparation of the end of year formal examinations, as we simulate the VCAA examination style and duration. They also help to identify students' strength and weaknesses, so we ask for your support to encourage your daughter/s to approach these examinations with enthusiasm and determination. Results will be released to parents in Term 4, Week 2.
Please note the separate Year 12 communication published this week via Siena Central News.
Term 4
We will be thinking of our Year 12 students as they commence preparation for their final term which commences on Monday, 3 October 2022. 2023 Subject Confirmation and Booklist details will be made available to students and parents during Term 4.
We wish all families a relaxing break. May you find the time to breathe and recharge.
Donna Laughlin
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Building Belonging
Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.
When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live suddenly, many of our young people’s main sources of connection with peers and extended family members were removed overnight without warning. In 2020, our youngest students were only in Year 5 and our current Year 12 students were in Year 10. The social impact of separation is still experienced by many students today.
As human beings, we have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. It provides us with feelings of identity, security, support, acceptance and community. Students who have a sense of belonging will experience these feelings, which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. It involves a period of adjustment when young people come together again after a period of instability. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount and can therefore mean some behaviours become far from rational, making it difficult for their brain to focus on learning. These combined factors may cause young people to be vulnerable, and it can sometimes tempt them into making choices or becoming involved in situations they may not ordinarily consider.
There are still many young people struggling to connect and regain their sense of belonging. This provides guidance to families who find themselves in this situation. We hope that you have an opportunity to engage with the information and please share with us any concerns relating to your child.
The term break is a time for rest, relaxation and renewal, as well as continued social connection with peers and parents may play a part in encouraging and supporting these interactions.
Antonella Rosati
Acting Principal
Student Formation
Term 3 has been a very busy time as students participated in the Pillars Student Leadership program, applied for 2023 Student Leadership positions, wrote speeches, attended interviews and ran various fundraising activities to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
Students who attended the Pillars program will have the opportunity to consider applying for 2023 Leadership positions in the following areas:
College Captains (Year 12)
House Captains (Years 9 to 12)
Senior Portfolio Leaders (Years 11 to 12): Veritas team, Arts team, Communications team and Sport captain positions
Student Voice Leaders (Year 8)
Students utilised the Pillars program to increase their skills and knowledge on leadership; worked in teams to brainstorm methods to support their leadership performance; identified strengths and weaknesses while drawing on our Dominican values; as well as modelling St Dominic and St Catherine to underpin their actions and drive their leadership vision.
To date we have appointed our 2023 College Captains and welcome Majella and Hannah to these positions. I would like to thank all the applicants who expressed interest to serve the College community and participated wholeheartedly in the whole application process.
Term 4 will see the announcement of the other leadership positions once interviews, speeches and elections are finalised. It has been wonderful to review the considered and reflective application responses, including the various initiatives that students have put forward for implementation.
In support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal, the term commenced with the Vinnies Winter Cube and progressed to activities such as the Year 7 and Year 8 Netball competition, House food drive and book collection, Footy Colours BBQ Day and the Year 12 Big Breakfast. All these activities were organised to raise funds for Vinnies, but also to raise awareness of the need to support those who are ‘doing it tough on the streets’ especially during the freezing winter months. I thank the SRC who have worked tirelessly to organise and run the various activities and the College community for considering how they can be ‘of service’ to others.
Lastly, we had the good fortune to meet and hear from Sr Veronica and Sr Stephany from the Solomon Islands. The Sisters spoke about their work and how the money donated by ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ has been used and will continue to support their work. The photos of the school at Ruavatu and the presentations by the Sisters provided a valuable first hand account for the students in attendance. Judging from the student dialogue arising from the Sisters' presentations, students developed a newfound sense of gratitude for what they have and a desire to continue supporting our connection with the Sisters of the Solomon Islands.
Peta Mackintosh
Head of Student Formation
Languages at Siena
Year 8 Chinese by Wen-Liang Tao
The Year 8 Chinese class made lanterns last week to commemorate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Below is a short reflection written by one of our students.
"On Monday, 5 September, the Year 8 Chinese class participated in a fun yet educational activity involving the making of lanterns for the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. After this activity, we watched a video on how these lanterns related to the Chinese history and the
importance of this festival to the Chinese people. Overall, it was a very enjoyable
Mia W
Year 8 Italian by Fiona Tosolini
In Term 3, Year 8 Italian students explored the topic of 'la scuola in Italia' (school in Italy). Students learnt about the Italian school system, range of subjects studied, as well as a typical timetable and school day in Italy. Students also learnt how to express what school year they are currently in, the College that they are studying at, the subjects they have been working on, as well as the subjects that they prefer and importantly, give reasons for their preferences. Lastly, students have mastered the ability to tell time in Italian and they applied this skill by talking about their own timetables. The following videos showcased students talking about their school life at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, providing information on all aspects outlined above.
Year 8 Italian students have also commenced a cultural unit on Italian eating habits and of course, COFFEE was the central theme of it all! Students were given a demonstration of how Italians make coffee at home. The following photos show students using a Dosacaffe dispenser to fill up a caffettiera, an essential in Italian kitchens.
In this unit of mangiare all’italiana (eating the Italian way), students learnt how to express their food preferences in Italian, how to describe their own food and drink choices for meal times throughout the day. The following photos and videos showcased students' discussion on food preferences and in particular, what they normally have for breakfast.
Students recently went on a Language Experience excursion in the city to practise their Italian language skills. The Year 11 Italian students have been learning about Migration, whereas the Year 10 Italian students have been studying the Italians' passion for food and coffee. The excursion has allowed our students to understand how Italian migrants have influenced the Australian society and how Italian food and coffee have become a very important part of Australian culture too.
The students participated in a presentation and Q&A session on coffee and its evolution by Coffee Machines Technologies; Italian class at Melbourne University, Italian migration presentation by Museo Italiano; as well as a Q&A session with Brunetti owner, Giorgio Angele who kindly shared his personal experience as an Italian migrant in Australia. All these activities have been conducted in Italian to offer students the opportunity of a full language immersion experience. Students also had opportunities to ask questions and interact in Italian with the various presenters and people throughout the day.
Below is a short student reflection written by one of our Year 11 students.
"We began our excursion by joining one of the Italian classes at Melbourne University while they were completing their mock oral presentations. Hearing the university students rehearse their presentation and speak as a group was a beneficial experience, as we were able to gain knowledge about what it would be like to pursue learning Italian after we leave Siena. We walked through Lygon Street to head to Museo Italiano to attend a presentation about Italian migration in Australia, where we could apply our Unit 2 knowledge and contribute ideas in a discussion. We also went to Brunetti for lunch, purchasing authentic Italian food and desserts. Cassia’s nonno, the founder of Brunetti, spoke to us about his experience as a migrant. Hearing this Italian migration story was a great opportunity for us to gain insight into Italian migration in Melbourne, where we could see the great influence Italian migrants have had on the culture in Australia. As Year 11 students, this excursion was an engaging and a unique opportunity to expand on our learning beyond the classroom, considering the challenges we faced learning Italian remotely during lockdown."
Year 10 French by Dean Fleischer
The Year 10 French class organised a nice little morning tea with the students as part of our unit study on food and eating habits. Below is a short reflection written by one of our students.
"For the last couple of weeks, the Year 10 French class has been studying a unit on food and exploring the differences between French and Australian eating habits. We have approached this topic with a particular focus on the relationship between food and culture, and as a part of our unit, all of us shared some of our own favourite food from our childhood. We each brought in a nostalgic or significant dish to share and gave a small presentation to the class on the fond memories that were associated with the dishes. We shared a variety of delicious snacks from all over the globe, namely France, Australia, Japan, Ukraine, China and India. We really enjoyed the experience of making and sharing some of our favourite snacks with each other."
Shreya K
Tina Di Camillo
Leader of Pedagogy
Science Department
This term has been a busy one for the Science faculty; we have enjoyed our inaugural STEAM Careers Breakfast, celebrated National Science Week, and had students engage in Monash University’s Nova Rover program amongst the normal teaching and learning program, assessments, and practical work.
Inaugural STEAM Careers breakfast
Science students from Years 9 to 12 were invited to think about their futures at our inaugural STEAM Careers Breakfast where we were joined by scientists and engineers for round table discussions. Our guests shared personal work stories and we heard from keynote speaker, Siena alumna, Rebecca Leith (Class of 2017).
National Science Week
We also celebrated National Science Week (NSW) by kicking off with a stunning Science Morning Tea. To commemorate the NSW theme, Glass: Different by Design, staff participated in a Science themed baking competition with some wonderful creations received! Students also celebrated with Science quizzes during House groups; lab sessions involving glass themed activities such as making kaleidoscopes, photography and jelly lasers; a glass themed Escape Room; and SCInema short film screenings.
Nova Rover Excursion
A group of Year 9 students visited the Nova Rover workshop at Monash University this term under the guidance of Siena alumna, Rebecca Leith (Class of 2017). Students were introduced to the Nova Rover program and had a tour of the workshop. They designed wheels for their own mini rovers, using computer assisted design (CAD) and then had their designs 3D printed. They were able to then assemble their own mini rovers and use them to compete with each other in a range of challenges. The whole Year 9 cohort had the Nova Rover team come out and present their program, showing them all the different aspects of engineering and design that go into manufacturing a successful rover.
Student Reflections
"In this program, we were able to learn about all the different components required to build a rover, which involved knowledge on robotics and engineering. In our first session we learnt how to design a wheel for our rovers and we got to use 3D printers to manufacture our wheels."
Alessia F
"I thought the Nova Rover excursion was a very rewarding and interesting experience. I found it insightful getting to talk to university students about their experience with STEAM and how they got into engineering. I also found it interesting to design the wheels as I had to programme the computer to understand different instructions compared to what I was thinking in my head."
Mimi M
"It was a opportunity to travel to Monash University to learn about their Nova Rover program. We visited the engineering building and utilised the software that enabled us to develop individual designs, which we then printed using the 3D printers available. We built electrical circuits to program mini Nova Rover models and raced them together towards the end of the day. It was a fun and engaging experience as we were given fascinating insights into the many facets of engineering!"
Tia M
Nicholas Harvey
Head of Science
Sport News
On Monday, 22 August, six ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ students competed in the Victorian Secondary Interschool Gymnastics Competition held at the State Gymnastics Centre.
Congratulations to these athletes and a special mention to Eloise who attained first place overall and Lucy who attained second place overall! A fantastic team effort. Well done girls!
Thank you to Ms Brown and Siena alumna, Ella Gurry (Class of 2020) who coached the girls on the day.
GSV Athletics Finals Evening: Eleven Medals to ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Athletes
On Wednesday, 14 September, nineteen students from ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ flew to the Gold Coast to compete in the National Aeroschools Championships. Well done to all students for being selected to represent Victoria and the College. Stay tuned for the results in the next newsletter.
Our Aerobics team on the first day of the National Aeroschools Championships
Julia Hay
Director of Sport
Arts Department
In Term 3, the Year 9 Visual Communication Design class has learnt how to use a set square and T-square to follow isometric drawing conventions to design a toy for a vision impaired child. As part of the Respectful Relationships program at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, students are encouraged to think about others and explore different perspectives apart from their own. Students were required to research strategies that are effective in aiding children with low vision to learn, and they had to choose some of these strategies to implement into their design.
Student Reflection
“In the topic of Industrial Design, we had to generate a toy design suitable for a vision impaired child and for my design, I chose to produce a baby walker. Before beginning the design process, I researched the different strategies that would support a child to learn and chose to focus on using 'touch-based materials' whilst including lots of 'colour and movement'. After this research, I analysed ongoing contemporary toys and incorporated certain components of these toys into my current design. Some considerations I implemented into my toy design included learning-based activities, safety, use of braille and introducing more textures. My final design definitely met the needs of vision impaired children through the moveable objects, bright colours and variety of textures.â€
Year 9 student, Alexis T
Below are some of the amazing creations.
Braille Train by Sophie Hine
Tactile Storybook by Megan H
Baby Walker by Alexis T
Dog in a Box by Gemma P
Claire Al-Noah
Head of Arts and Technology
Siena Alumnae Wall
The Siena Alumnae Wall is a special tribute to our alumnae and is located in the Convent Cloisters. You can register to have your name inscribed on the Alumnae Wall.
Inscription registrations for 2022/2023 will close off at the end of June 2023 and then be unveiled later in the year. Inscriptions are $50 per name.
For further information, you can email Alumnae Coordinator, Imma Boubouras: alumnae@siena.vic.edu.au.
Imma Boubouras
Alumnae Coordinator
Career News
Term 4 is definitely the busiest time of year in the Careers department! Year 12 students have been finalising their VTAC applications, as well as finetuning their research on post school options and future career pathways. The universities and other tertiary institutions are continuing to offer information, events and support to students by engaging with them and showcasing the courses on offer.
Below is a summary the latest issue of :
Dates to Diarise in Term 4
Deakin University Campus Tours
Bachelor of Educational Studies at Australian Catholic University
Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation
Elite Student Performer Schemes at Monash University - Elite Student Performer Entry Scheme - Elite Student Performer Support Scheme
Elite Athletes and Artistic Performers Entry Scheme at Melbourne University
Arts Degrees in Victoria in 2022
Global and International Studies Degrees in Victoria in 2022
Where Can a Law Degree Take You?
Get Set to Study at RMIT University: Day at RMIT
William Angliss School Holiday Events - Angliss Talk and Tour - Travel, Tourism and Aviation Experience Day
Career as an Architect
Medical Imaging Courses in Victoria in 2022
Optometry Courses across Australia in 2022
Courses offered by Australian Institute of Management (Melbourne Campus) in 2022
Snapshot of Torrens University in 2022
Clare Timmins
Head of Careers
2023 ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Annual Raffle
Since 1971, the Siena Parents’ Association (ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ) has been supporting students at Siena by bringing the parent and College community together with events and fundraising activities. Through the support of Siena parents, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ has raised $229,335 and supported the academic, spiritual, cultural, sporting and social interests of your wonderful daughters.
Each year, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ hosts an Annual Raffle and you could be just a few clicks away from winning some fantastic prizes!
We invite you to get online, join in the fun and have a chance to win prizes ranging from school tuition, flight centre vouchers, wine and gift vouchers from our generous sponsors.
A reminder that this year the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Raffle is digital: to learn more and purchase tickets.
The ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Raffle will be drawn on Friday, 17 February 2023. Don’t miss out on your chance to win big!
Community Noticeboard
Come and See at St Dominic's Parish
For those wanting to become Catholic and those who are interested in finding out more about their faith, Come and See.