We have much to give thanks for as we conclude Term 1. Congratulations and thank you to every member of the community for such a smooth and positive start to 2023. Great things taking place across every aspect of our community!
Harmony Week is a celebration held annually in March across Australia. It is aimed at promoting diversity, respect and inclusiveness. This event is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their children about different cultures, traditions and customs.
As Term 1 draws to a close, we have an opportunity to reflect on the positive inroads we have made towards being the best possible versions of ourselves in 2023 through participation in whole school Wellbeing programs.
A highlight of the College calendar, Siena’s Night of Jazz returns to the Manningham Hotel for 2023. Once again, the Grand Ballroom will transform into Siena’s own Jazz Club, and we invite families and friends of the Siena community to book tickets and enjoy this special event.
The concept of maths anxiety has become more prevalent among young children and adolescents, which can often minimise the opportunity for students to achieve success in maths.
Our Year 11s have been engaging with the new English Study Design, which requires them to explore a framework of ideas and write creatively in many contemporary forms.
We will be hosting the annual Siena Alumnae and Student Gathering on Thursday, 4 May at 5.30pm. We are thrilled to see our community grow and thrive across generations.
We have much to give thanks for as we conclude Term 1. Congratulations and thank you to every member of the community for such a smooth and positive start to 2023. Great things taking place across every aspect of our community! In a particular way, I acknowledge new students and colleagues who have brought fresh energy, new friendships and great commitment to their new place of learning. I also acknowledge the warm welcome and support extended to all members of the Siena community by existing staff, students and parents; this has been commented upon and very much appreciated by those joining us.
This week, Holy Week, marks the central week on the Christian calendar. Our Stations of the Cross liturgy reminds us, in remembering Jesus’ journey to the cross, it was the ordinary people in the crowd, often women, who ministered practical care and tender compassion, often bravely and always selflessly. This week reminds us to walk with and witness to those who suffer under the daily burden of the crosses they bear. We then see death leading to resurrection on Easter Sunday. It was the testimony of women who first announced Jesus’ resurrection: women who paid attention, were astonished and told about it, so resonant of our 2023 College Theme: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.
In reflecting on the success of this term and the significance of this Easter season, I share with you a poem by Janet Morley, inviting us to 'roll back' the stones that keep us weighted and worried, that we might be Easter people of faith, hope and love.
Roll Back The Stone
When we are all despairing; When the world is full of grief; When we see no way ahead, And hope has gone away. Roll back the stone.
Although we fear change; Although we are not ready; Although we’d rather weep And run away: Roll back the stone.
Because we’re with the women: Because we hope where hope is vain; Because you call us from the grave And show the way: Roll back the stone.
Janet Morley
An Important Message Regarding Child Safety
ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ holds the safety and wellbeing of students as paramount to all that we do. A large part of the work of the College Board and College Leadership Team is to ensure Child Safety. This includes the full implementation of Ministerial Orders regarding Child Safety standards and ongoing vigilance to ensure that a culture of Child Safety is embedded in every facet of our operation and governance. This work is well in place and is regularly reviewed. Particular areas of focus for us this year will include the ongoing growth of student voice and agency in matters of Child Safety; ongoing engagement of families in highlighting matters relating to Child Safety, and ensuring that ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ continues to embed policies and processes to further build an inclusive community, which includes the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
As always, ongoing updates regarding Child Safety will be featured in newsletter articles by Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Strategy, Annie Rosati. This work is supported by our Child Safety Committee which comprises of senior members of staff, students and a child safety expert from our local community.
ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Child Safety officers are listed below:
Principal, Elizabeth Hanney
Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Strategy, Annie Rosati
Elizabeth Hanney
Learning and Teaching
Student Learning Conferences
Student Learning Conferences took place last week. In response to parent feedback, we held the conferences on two different weeknights: Wednesday, 29 March and Thursday, 30 March. Friday, 31 March was a non teaching day in accordance with the new Award for teaching staff.
Parent Teacher Interviews, as they were first known, were introduced at a time when online communication and accessibility was very limited. Parents can now access ongoing feedback regarding student learning via Siena Central. We strongly encourage parents to make contact directly with teachers throughout the year if further feedback beyond the grades and comments on Siena Central is desired. We note the number of time slots available in the current teaching climate and will be considering the efficacy of Student Learning Conferences.
Horizons Week
Horizons Week provides the opportunity for cohort specific connectivity, collaboration and experiential learning. The week focused on the following year level specific activities:
Year 7
Year 8
Experiential Days
Year 9
Justice in the City
Year 10
Year 11
Careers / Future Opportunities
Year 12
Thank you to staff who have contributed to Horizons Week making sure that activities are relevant, educational and engaging for our students. Thank you to students for their engagement across the week and to our parents for ensuring that students attend these events, which are instrumental in students' development and learning.
Semester 1 Examinations and Assessment Dates
Unit 3/4 Students
Students will participate in a practice GAT in Term 2.
The VCAA GAT (General Achievement Test) is scheduled for Thursday, 15 June 2023, 9.00am to 3.00pm. The GAT is compulsory for all students studying a VCE Unit 3/4 subject.
The GAT is divided into two sections:
Section A assesses literacy and numeracy skills
Section B assesses skills in Mathematics, Science, Technology, the Arts and Humanities
Year 9, 10 and 11 Students
Year 9, 10 and 11 students commence Semester 1 Examinations on Monday, 19 June and finish on Friday, 23 June.
‘S’ Dates
The Siena ‘S’ date is the final date for unit assessment:
Years 7 to 8: Friday, 23 June
Years 9 to 11: Friday, 9 June
Year 12 (Unit 3): Friday, 23 June
Term 1 Holidays
The Term 1 holidays are a great opportunity for our students to relax and be reinvigorated. We expect that the Years 10 to 12 students will dedicate some time to complete set work, prepare for Term 2 topics and start revising for their Semester Examinations. Years 7 to 9 students will not have any set home learning over the holidays, but we do encourage them to continue with their wider reading.
I wish our students, parents and guardians a joyful Easter.
Donna Laughlin
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
Celebrating Harmony Week
is a celebration held annually in March across Australia. It is aimed at promoting diversity, respect and inclusiveness. This event is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their children about different cultures, traditions and customs. The goal is to encourage everyone to appreciate and celebrate differences and promote a sense of community and belonging for everyone. At Siena, we support students’ ability to express and enjoy their culture. We also acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of First Nations culture and its importance to the wellbeing and cultural safety of our First Nations students.
During Harmony Week, there are a number of events and activities held to bring people from different cultures together. These activities include multicultural food festivals, cultural performances, art exhibitions and workshops. Participating in these events in your local area helps individuals to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities that make up Australia.
As a parent, you can engage your children in discussions about multiculturalism and encouraging them to ask questions. Promoting the importance of a harmonious and inclusive society can help children grow up with a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of Australia's cultural landscape. Several House Groups have been engaging in activities and discussions about Harmony Week and what it means for us during Wellness sessions.
This Special Report hopes to instil positive values and create an opportunity to start a conversation on understanding diversity and multiculturalism.
Antonella Rosati
Acting Principal
Term 1 Wrap Up
As Term 1 draws to a close, we have an opportunity to reflect on the positive inroads we have made towards being the best possible versions of ourselves in 2023 through participation in whole school Wellbeing programs.
For our Year 7 students, new beginnings at Siena have provided opportunities to make new connections with teachers, peers and ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ staff. The Year 7s participated in their first House events such as the Swim and Dive Carnival and Fiesta, met their Year 12 Big Sisters, celebrated International Women’s Day as a cohort and have completed their first learning tasks as Siena students. I could not be prouder of the way I have watched them embrace one another to ensure everyone feels a sense of belonging here at Siena.
Our Year 8 students participated in an interactive theatre experience tackling some of the biggest issues facing adolescents today; social isolation, bullying, online safety, school stressors, family relationships and pressure from social media. These messages will be reiterated in Term 2 with our Year 9 and 10 students, who will be taking a look at some important preventative measures while preparing for their examinations.
Our VCE students have navigated their first term as our most senior students at the College. They have been wonderful role models to our middle students by participating actively in House events, and assisting with the launch of both the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Student Code of Conduct and our ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Reconciliation Action Plan.
Over the Holidays
Over the holiday break, I encourage each of our students to take a well deserved break. The holiday break may also be a good time to imagine what Term 2 will look like. Building optimism about our prospects can give us extra motivation to work towards out desired future, making it more likely to become a reality.
Consider a range of different areas such as hopes for your future career, friendships, hobbies and health. What would happen in these areas of your life if you created your best possible future? Be slow to worry about barriers and challenges for now. Instead, focus on manifesting a bright future for yourself in which your circumstances have enabled you to achieve your best possible outcome.
Spotlight on Siena Staff
We recently interviewed Director of Students, Minna Jewell, on her teaching journey and her passion for enhancing students' growth; academically, emotionally and socially. Click here to read.
Minna Jewell
Acting Deputy Principal Wellbeing
Student Formation
Swim and Dive Carnival
"The recent Swim and Dive Carnival was by far our favourite Siena House event. And Dianella was able to achieve a win! There were high levels of participation and encouragement around the pool, including the Iron Women race; students were filling in lanes and fostering House spirit by dressing up in creative costumes such as Sanitarium's UP&GO liquid breakfast and 'Woody and Jessie' from Toy Story.
It was great to hear the Houses rallying together, cheering as loudly as they could for one another. Waratah’s immense team spirit ultimately led them to win the House Spirit Award.
Anais also won her third Michelle Timm’s Award, making her the fastest swimmer in the school. What a remarkable feat! The Siena Diving team demonstrated their extensive skills at the diving pool, leaving onlookers in awe of their impressive talents.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) also continued fundraising for Caritas’ Project Compassion by filling up water buckets, exemplifying to the student body the difficulty in collecting large volumes of water and the sheer effort it would take for people in trying circumstances to continually do so.
Finally, the novelty pool was filled with laughter as each year level came together to compete in fun challenges, such as the Year 12 wild whirlpool.
The Swim and Dive Carnival was such a great day to witness so many students across year levels participating and demonstrating unity in their Houses, cheering for one another and ultimately have a memorable day together as a Siena community."
Year 12 House Captains, Francesca and Evie
Coin Line
"On Friday, 3 March, the SRC held a coin line to continue raising funds for Project Compassion during this Lenten season. It was a great event, which saw many students from all four Houses and year levels contributing. The winning House was Kurrajong, which was the House which raised the most money and formed the longest coin line. Collectively, as a whole school, we raised a grand total of $738.15!"
Year 10 House Captains, Megan and Tia
Dianella Bake Sale
"Dianella held a bake sale on Monday, 6 March, to raise money for Caritas Australia and their Project Compassion campaign.
Without the help of the Dianella students and everyone who made a purchase, we would not have been able to raise $1036.46 which is a substantial amount. Many
students volunteered to help the Dianella House Captains in running of the bake sale, as well as supplying a variety of baked goods to sell. It was wonderful to be able to
contribute funds to support Caritas' work in caring for vulnerable
individuals and the underprivileged in society."
Year 11 House Captains, Teah and Grace
This can also be done through College activities in Term 2 or scanning the below QR Code in support of your House."
Peta Mackintosh
Head of Student Formation
Siena’s Night of Jazz
A highlight of the College calendar, Siena’s Night of Jazz returns to the Manningham Hotel for 2023. Once again, the Grand Ballroom will transform into Siena’s own Jazz Club, and we invite families and friends of the Siena community to book tickets and enjoy this special event.
Siena's Night of Jazz celebrates the achievements of our Jazz ensembles and many senior musicians, and features an exciting program of special collaborations, group and solo items. This year we are honoured to be joined by guest artist, Jude Perl, who will be appearing with our student soloists, and working with them in rehearsal to share her experiences and inspire their best performances. Jude is a truly remarkable singer, pianist and songwriter with an award winning career spanning jazz, pop, musical comedy and beyond.
Tickets include reserved table seating and a light supper. Families and groups are encouraged to book together. Tickets are not required for student performers, who will be seated separately.
Date: Thursday, 11 May 2023 Time: 6.45pm doors for a 7.00pm concert
If you have any questions, please contact the Music Department via music@siena.vic.edu.au.
Kerryn McGillen
Director of Music
2023 Top Class Drama and Alexander McQueen Exhibition
Top Class Drama 2023
On Wednesday, 15 March, our VCE Drama classes had the exciting opportunity to attend the Top Class Drama performance at the Malthouse Theatre. Presented by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), Top Class Drama is an opportunity for current VCE Drama students to view sample works of solo performances that achieved outstanding scores in the 2022 drama solo performance examination.
Congratulations to new Siena alumna, Jessica Demasi (Class of 2022), who performed as part of the VCE Season of Excellence. Jessica's original work is based on the real life character of Hetty Green, a woman who lived during the Gilded Age in New York, during the late 1800s. Hetty was an entrepreneur and businesswoman, a woman ahead of her time. Jess’ performance dramatically chronicles Hetty Green’s personal and business life, as well as incorporating links and parallels to the life of another Siena alumna: Susan Alberti AC (Class of 1964), who is also a contemporary businesswoman and philanthropist.
Current VCE Drama students appreciated the opportunity to view exceptional student work from across the state, and are now in the position to reflect upon what makes an outstanding performance, in preparation for their own solo performances later this year.
Congratulations to Jessica on this fine achievement. We wish her every success in her tertiary studies in Creative Arts, as she pursues her love of theatre and performance.
Alexander McQueen Exhibition
On Monday, 20 March, our Year 10 Costume Design students visited the Alexander McQueen exhibition.
A costume designer uses clothing and accessories to tell a story. They call on a huge range of inspirations to create meaning and depth in their designs. By visiting the Alexander McQueen exhibition, students were able to view over a hundred garments and accessories alongside more than seventy artworks from a multitude of eras and cultures, including paintings, sculptures, photography, works on paper and decorative artworks. The exhibition offered unprecedented insight into McQueen’s far-reaching sources of inspiration, creative process and storytelling capacity. Observations and inspirations from this exhibition will form part of the research and planning stage of their final assessment task: children's theatre production folio and product.
Sandra Siapantas
Maths Anxiety
The concept of maths anxiety has become more prevalent among young children and adolescents, which can often minimise the opportunity for students to achieve success in maths.
Our teachers are implementing classroom strategies to support students in this area, but there are also approaches that are required beyond the classroom setting. I encourage you to read which outlines strategies you can adopt to further support students, and potentially alleviate their maths anxiety.
Our Year 11s have been engaging with the new English Study Design, which requires them to explore a framework of ideas and write creatively in many contemporary forms. They are also required to experiment with both formal and informal writing.
Students are currently exploring the framework idea of Love and have been unpacking Shakespeare’s famous Sonnet 18 in class. Students then utilised their poetry knowledge (more specifically rhyming patterns) to create a chorus to a song, short poem, or a rap within twenty minutes. They had an absolute ball, below are some of their creations.
This untitled rap reflects the unhealthy love/obsession society have with phones and technology.
Now open your mind up and listen now My brains been clouded and I don’t know how The screen I waste my time today Has taken my friends and life away I beg you to stay and listen to me Technology’s blinding what I see I wanna restart what I’ve begun Before it’s too late to be undone I can’t get away, it’s trapping me Don’t make my mistake and live carefree Get off your phone and get outside Take my advice, the one step guide
This poem explores the concept of self love through the personification of a mirror.
Standing up high Looking down on thee Thou reflection sigh Oh, how hard to see!
Your beauty is effervescent Thee, too blind to perceive beauty in thy mirror tis omnipresent And everyone else can believe
But thou can look beyond the mirror Thou can see the beauty inside Forever an admirer Forever filled with pride
Gifted with the sight of something clearer The beauty of life is something deeper
An Abusive Relationship
Smooth clay builds the base of our hopes and dreams, The comfort of your presence entails much hope, Remembering times together, the memory streams, The clay pot is built as we elope.
Through the furnace the conflicts start, The heat was unbearable, I was trapped. Burning blaze shot through my heart, I was free, it finally cracked.
The cloud covering my mind was swept away, I thought you were different until this day.
Punita Mistry
Head of English
Italian and French at Siena
Year 10 Italian Language Experience by Michela Barisonzi
Below are short student reflections written by some of our Year 10 students:
Zoe T
"Buongiorno. Venerdi scorso, il dieci, la classe di Italiano dell’ anno dieci è andata a Lygon Street per conoscere l’immigrazione italiana e cultura del caffe`. Prima abbiamo fatto un giro e guardiamo Lygon Street e siamo andati in posti diversi, come la piazza, un negozio di macchine da caffe`, e un negozio sportivo. Poi siamo andati al Museo Italiano per conoscere l’immigrazione italiana. A Museo italiano guardiamo un film e abbiamo ascoltato un discorso in italiano. Piu tardi siamo andati a Brunetti’s per pranzo, ho mangio una pizza e una cheescake, era molto buono. Poi siamo andati a Museo Italiana e abbiamo visto tutto il museo. Mia parte preferita era la pizza a Brunetti’s perche` era davvero squisita e non troppo cara. E` stato una gioranata molto divertente e ho imparato molto sulla cultura e migrazione di italia. Grazie!"
English Translation
"Hello. Last Friday, the Year 10 Italian class went to Lygon Street to learn about Italian immigration and coffee culture. First we visited Lygon Street and went to different places like the square, a coffee machine shop and a sport shop. After that, we went to the Italian Museum to learn about Italian immigration. At the Italian Museum, we watched a film and listened to a speech in Italian. Later we went to Brunetti’s for lunch. I ate a pizza and a cheesecake, it was very good. After that, we went to the Italian Museum for a tour. My favourite part was the pizza at Brunetti’s because it was really yummy and not too expensive. It was a very fun day and I learned a lot about Italian culture and migration. Thank you!"
Sofia P
"Ciao comunità ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ venerdì 10 marzo ci siamo recati in autobus in via Lygon per conoscere l'emigrazione italiana in Australia. Per prima cosa, siamo arrivati in piazza Italia prima di camminare lungo via Lygon. A Lygon Street abbiamo visto molti negozi e siamo entrati in un delizioso negozio di alimentari che ci ha reso tutti molto affamati. Abbiamo visitato il museo italiano dove abbiamo appreso dei migranti italiani e di come hanno iniziato la loro vita in Australia. A causa della nostra fame, abbiamo visitato Brunetti e abbiamo avuto un'ampia scelta di cibo fantastico. Ho preso una pizza margarita e un cannolo. Dopo il nostro delizioso cibo siamo risaliti sull'autobus e siamo tornati a scuola alle 3."
English Translation
"Hello, we took a bus to Lygon Street to learn about Italian migration to Australia on Friday, 10 March. First, we arrived at the Piazza Italia before walking down Lygon Street. At Lygon Street, we saw many shops and went into a delicious food store which made us all very hungry. We visited Museo Italiano where we learnt about Italian migrants and how they began life in Australia. We then got hungry and visited Brunetti's, which had a big selection of food choices. I got a Margherita pizza and a cannoli. After our delicious food, we took a bus to head back to ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ."
Alle dodici noi abbiamo pranzato al Brunnettis! Io ho mangiato un calzone spinaci con tre formaggi e era molto delizioso! La mia amica ha bevuto un grande ‘iced coffe’ e una pizza con salsiccia. Noi abbiamo amato questa parte della gita.
In fine, il mio momento preferito era ho esplorato Lygon street e la cultura italiana a Melbourne con miei amici. Grazie per un’ ottima gita!"
English Translation
"Hello! On Friday, 10 March, we went on an Italian excursion to the city. We went to Lygon street, also known as Little Italy to explore the culture and the shops. It was very interesting because we saw the different restaurants and bars, and the people of Lygon street. I enjoyed walking around Lygon Street and working on the activities with my friends and teachers, which was very fun and exciting. After that, we went to the Italian Museum and listened to an amazing presentation on Italian migration to Australia. One thing I learnt was that the Italians arrived in Australia because of work, love, the adventure of the gold rush and various other opportunities. I really enjoyed the presentation!
We then had lunch at Brunettis! I ate a spinach calzone with three cheeses and it was very delicious! My friend had a large iced coffee and a sausage pizza. We loved this part of the trip!
My favourite part was exploring Lygon street and the Italian culture in Melbourne with my friends. Thank you for a great trip!"
Year 7 and 8 French Class Update by Marianne De Luise
The Year 7 French students have had a fantastic start to the school year, settling in well to their language studies. From day one, they have shown great enthusiasm and dedication to learning French, which has been a joy to see. Throughout the term, the students have covered a range of topics, including basic greetings, introductions, and creating usernames and passwords in French. They have also been introduced to contemporary French music artists, which has allowed them to explore the language in a fun and engaging way. In addition to learning new vocabulary and grammar, the students have participated in a range of listening, reading, and oral activities. These activities have helped to develop their language skills and build their confidence in using French in a range of different contexts.
As the term drew to a close, the students were given the opportunity to learn about some of the Easter traditions in France. They enjoyed completing a range of interactive and engaging activities, which helped to reinforce their language skills while also learning about the culture of another country. It has been wonderful to witness the Year 7 French students working hard, demonstrating their passion for the language and culture of France. We are confident that their enthusiasm and hard work will continue throughout the year, as they further develop their language skills and knowledge of French culture.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Year 7 French students on their excellent progress so far, and wish them all the best for the remainder of the school year. We hope that they will continue to enjoy learning French and that they will take advantage of the many opportunities available to them to explore and experience the richness of the French language and culture.
Year 8: A Pathway to Cultural Enrichment and Language Proficiency
The Year 8 French students have been eagerly engaged in their language studies during Term 1, demonstrating an admirable level of curiosity, enthusiasm, and commitment. They have approached the subject with a keen desire to learn and explore the intricacies of the French language and culture.
Throughout the term, the students have covered a range of topics, including revision of greetings and grammar, to talking about family and pets. They have honed their language skills and expanded their vocabulary through a combination of reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities, all of which have been tailored to their proficiency level.
During Holy Week, the students were introduced to some Easter traditions in France. They watched videos that highlighted the unique and fascinating customs observed in France during the Easter season. The students were encouraged to share their observations and thoughts about the videos. Additionally, they completed fun and engaging activities that helped them to learn the vocabulary related to Easter traditions in France.
The Year 8 students have shown a pleasing level of growth and progress, developing their language proficiency and understanding of French culture. We are confident that they will continue to thrive in their language studies, building on the solid foundation they have established during term 1. We look forward to seeing their continued progress in the coming months, and we are excited to see the doors that learning French will open for them in the future. We wish them all the best for the rest of the school year.
Tina Di Camillo
Leader of Pedagogy
Alumnae News
Siena Alumnae and Student Gathering
We will be hosting the annual Siena Alumnae and Student Gathering on Thursday, 4 May at 5.30pm. We are thrilled to see our community grow and thrive across generations. Currently we have twenty-six families with a direct connection to Siena, with mothers and grandmothers of current students being past students. It is a testament to the enduring excellence of our school and the deep bonds formed here.
Below are some images from last year's gathering:
Siena Alumnae Wall
The Siena Alumnae Wall is a special tribute to our alumnae and is located in the Convent Cloisters. You can register to have your name inscribed on the Alumnae Wall.
Inscription registrations for 2022/2023 will close at the end of June 2023 and then be unveiled later in the year. Inscriptions are $50 per name.
For further information, you can email Alumnae Coordinator, Imma Boubouras at alumnae@siena.vic.edu.au.
Imma Boubouras
Alumnae Coordinator
Introducing Kylie Clements
We are delighted to welcome Kylie Clements to ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ as our new Head of Admissions, commencing at the start of Term 2. Kylie joins us with a wealth of experience in the educational and corporate sector and is looking forward to meeting families and showing you around ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.
Limited Spots Available for Year 7 2024 Enrolments
We now invite applications for Year 7 2025, and have limited places available in 2024 across all year levels. For our Year 7 intake, offers are made in towards the start of Term 4 in a student's Grade 5 year. Applications can be made at any time via our College website.
All enrolments are subject to a successful enrolment interview, during which we hope to learn more about your daughter, including her interests, hobbies and learning strengths. This interview also provides an opportunity for you and your family to learn more about ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, including our school values, subject and cocurricular offerings, and expectations of our students.
If you would like to discover the Siena Spirit, register for an Open Morning or College Tour here.
If you have any questions for Kylie about our enrolment process, our programs or our facilities, please don’t hesitate to contact her at admissions@siena.vic.edu.au or call 9835 0200.
Current Parent and Student Testimonials
Tracey Lawson
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund Applications Now Open!
Applications for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) are now open. If you hold a valid Health Care Card (HCC), Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), or you are a temporary foster parent or a first time applicant, you may be eligible for a $1,000 fee discount.
If you believe you are eligible,please fill out and return the CSEF Application Form before 23 June 2023.
If you applied for the CSEF in 2022 at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
For further information regarding the CSEF, please visit the Victorian Government website or refer to this information flyer.
Please contact ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Finance Office on 9835 0220 if you have any queries.
Laurie Federico
Head of Finance and Services
Community Noticeboard
Jesuit Mission Maytime Fair on Saturday, 6 May 2023
A tradition at Xavier College since 1952, the Jesuit Mission Maytime Fair is back! The Fair will include entertainment for parents and children with a huge array of food, music, rides, arts and crafts, games, a wine auction, sport, face painting, show bags and more. All proceeds from the day will support the work of Jesuit Mission to empower vulnerable communities in over ten countries in South East Asia and Africa.
Come join us on Saturday, 6 May from 9.00am to 5.00pm at Xavier College (Kew), and together we can uplift communities in need.